Saturday, July 26, 2008


cheers to the revival of my blog!
it's about time!
a form of communication between cuzy Grace and i...
just our little way of keeping in touch and knowing whats been happening in each other's busy lives...

sorry cuzy, this took way too long.
longer than expected perhaps?
hope ure doing well in Beijing!!
hugs, missing ya loads!

aside to that, i've done a little revamp to my blog template, as usual, i cud never figure out how to change the blog skin, so just had to rely on good ol' to do the job for me. hassle free! ;)

it's friday now. weather's been dreary, but it isn't always such a bad thing cos we'll all get to slp in and enjoy the lovely weekend!
time has been passing by us so quickly. too quickly sometimes i feel.
we've just entered into the third quarter of 2008!
i've now been working for nearly 7 months.

every year just passes by us so fast. is it such a good thing afterall?
just when i thought it would be so long, so painful, it still is.
are things always so easy to let go?
are things meant to be let go so easily?
i struggle to find the truth sometimes.
if only life was like a ten-year series, we would have model answers to everything.
i wish there was a way to understand...
time will make things right, i believe. In His time...

convocation is coming up! i'm excited!!! :)
a goal that was my vision throughout uni life - at times when the studying/memorising and projects were getting too much to bear, this vision was what i held on to, to keep me going.

thank God for His strength, without him, i would not be where i am now, and doing what i'm doing.

i would like to take this opportunity to wish all my dear friends who are still in uni, to share this vision with me. stay strong. remember why you are in school. not because of friends but because of what your future might potentially hold. life is what you make of it.
you will learn to treasure uni life, no matter how tough tutorials/assignments/projects are.
be grateful that you are one of the lucky few who even get a uni education.
not all of us are born that fortunate, always remember that.

before i head to bed, i would like to close this entry to congratulate my dearest cousin Grace on her job extremely well done, as always. this time, you are recognised cuzy. your efforts has not and did not go down the drain! you are famous now cuz. people will head-hunt you. if your employer doesn't treasure you, someone else will. remember that. you have made a mark for yourself. i'm so happy for you and i'm sure ur parents are too! =) *hugs
i just pray that you are safe & well everyday there cuzy.
take good care of urself and know that u are in my thoughts.

Good Night...

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